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Insects and arachnids are some of the most misunderstood critters of the animal kingdom. Come embrace the creepy crawly in this week's session about 'bugs'!


In addition to our creepy crawlys, we will also be learning about our crocodilians. From Brenda the 8 foot American Alligator to the Dwarf Caiman. There will be plenty to discover in this exciting week!

**Registration closes July 22nd.**

Incredible Insects & Charming Crocodilians: July 25-29 (ages 6-8) MEMBER

  • Once you've registered your child(ren) for this program, you will be emailed a Welcome Packet.

    This packet includes: a rules/regulations outline, a liability waiver and a photo release form that must be signed and returned by the first day your child attends the program, a sample program schedule, our return/cancellation policy, and Covid guidelines per the CDC.

    If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact Jessica LaPolt at: or call 860-207-9335 x15. Thanks!

132 S Rd Enfield, CT 06082
(860) 207-9335

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